Neurológia pre prax 1/2017

Multiple sclerosis in borderline age groups – childhood and elderly population

Pathological autoimmune processes with the development of inflammatory and neurodegenerative changes that meet the criteria for a clinically isolated syndrome or definite multiple sclerosis (MS) affects mainly young adults aged 18 to 30 years. Despite of this MS onset during childhood or adolescence is now increasingly recognized in the same way as MS in subjects over 50 years age. There are published the first clinical sign of MS in patients over 80 years. The clinical characteristics of patients with early and late onset MS in these age groups have their own characteristics and sometimes discreet specific signs which are not only in the clinical course but also in magnetic resonance imaging and in testing of cerebrospinal fluid.

Keywords: sclerosis multiplex, infantile multiple sclerosis, juvenile multiple sclerosis, late-onset multiple sclerosis, acute disseminated encefalomyelitis