Neurológia pre prax 3/2013

Multiple sclerosis in patients of adolescent age

Prevalence and incidence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in the childhood and adolescence is not exactly known. Children with MS are estimated between 2.7% to 5.6% of all patients with MS throughout the world. Currently, the most widely used classification divides into 2 basic children‘ s MS groups on infantile (IMS) with the upper age limit of 12 years and juvenile (JMS) -12–18 years. Diagnosis of MS in children is usually based on the clinical signs of the second attack the corresponding new bearings demyelination in the CNS. The second attack in juvenile MS developes very often within 12 months from the first attack, in infantile form is this interval longer. Early and correct diagnosis determines the progression of MS in children. The standard examinations are MR imaging of brain and spinal cord, also testing of cerebrospinal fluid and visual evoked potentials. MS treatment in children must be comprehensive and also uses the principles of treatment of adult patients with MS.

Keywords: infantile multiple sclerosis, juvenile multiple sclerosis, acute treatment, diseases modifying therapy, natalizumab.