Ræderův paratrigeminální syndrom při aneuryzmatu v oblasti karotického sifonu // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 6/2020

Raeder paratrigeminal syndrome with aneurysm at the carotid siphon

The clinical manifestation of a growing aneurysm poses a differential diagnostic challenge in terms of topical as well as aetiological neurological diagnosis. The aim of this paper is to report the case of a female patient with a growing aneurysm at the left carotid siphon presenting as Raeder syndrome, a less frequently described entity in the Czech literature. Following successful endovascular treatment, there was a regression in the patient’s complaints. The paper also deals with the differential diagnosis of the symptomatology of the parasellar region.

Keywords: aneurysm, Raeder syndrome, Horner syndrome, trigeminal nerve, pyramidal apex