Protonová MR spektroskopie v neuroonkologii // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 5/2016

Proton MR spectroscopy in neurooncology

Proton MR spectroscopy provides the non-invasive assessment of metabolites in examined tissue, can be used to get intracranial neoplasms structural information, increases the specificity of structural magnetic resonance and may serve as an additional examination for evaluation of the response to treatment and decisions to change the treatment strategy as it is in diferentiation of posttreatment changes and recurrence after comlex oncologic treatment of glioma patients. Biochemic changes in glioma differ according to histology and tumor grading. The results of MR spectroscopy can be used for several indications in neurooncology. However, it is important to remember spectroscopy limitations and the necessity of an adequate institutional experience.

Keywords: magnetic resonance, spectroscopy, glioma