Neurológia pre prax 4/2010

Professional and Non-professional Intoxications with Lesion of the Central Nervous System in the Years 2005 – 2009 Reported by the Czech National Registry of Occupational Diseases and The Czech Toxicological Information Center

The authors inform the readers on the number of professional and non-professional intoxications with lesion of central nervous system in the Czech Republic in years 2005–2009 (till 30. 10. 2009). The article is based on data reported by the Czech National Registry of Occupational Diseases, which is administered by the National Institute of Public Health in Prague, and by database of the Czech Toxicological Information Center in Prague.

Keywords: intoxication professional, non-professional intoxication, lesion of the central nervous system, Czech National Registry of Occupational Diseases, Czech Toxicological Information Center.