Neurológia pre prax 2/2013

Posttraumatic epilepsy

Posttraumatic epilepsy is defined as a symptomatic epilepsy with recurrent seizures that arise as a result of brain injury. There are still some very important and currently not fully understood questions about the relationship of craniocerebral trauma and epilepsy. Questions like: „Should we prescribe any prophylactic antiepileptic treatment after craniocerebral injury in order to prevent the occurrence of posttraumatic epilepsy? Are there any specific craniocerebral injuries, which more often lead to formation of posttraumatic epilepsy? How should posttraumatic seizures be treated? “ still resonate in the neurological community. In this article, which analyzes past and current relevant knowledge in the field of neurology, respectively epileptology, authors try to answer these questions.

Keywords: posttraumatic epilepsy, craniocerebral injury, head trauma, antiepileptic therapy.