Poruchy dýchání ve spánku u nervosvalových onemocnění // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 3/2022

Sleep related breathing disorder in neuromuscular diseases

Numerous conditions from the group of neuromuscular diseases lead at some point to weakness of respiratory or upper airway musculature, which is most prominent in supine position. These conditions most frequently result in obstructive sleep apnea or sleep related hypoventilation, central sleep apnea is diagnosed less often. Most typical daytime symptoms are excessive daytime sleepiness, cognitive problems, or body weight changes, whereas nighttime symptoms are dominated by periodic snoring, sleep fragmentations and morning headache. The precise identification of the disorder frequently requires polysomnographic investigation. Most frequent therapeutic approaches are from the realm of noninvasive ventilation support procedures, along with consistent airway clearance techniques.

Keywords: neuromuscular diseases, muscular diseases, noninvasive ventilation, polysomnography