Neurológia pre prax 1/2017

Chemotherapy-induced polyneuropathy

Chemotherapy-induced polyneuropathy belongs to frequent adverse effects of anticancer chemotherapy with a significant negative influence on patients` daily living and social activities. Neuropathy is axonal, affects large and/or small nerve fibers (based on particular drug) and causes sensory, motor and/or autonomic symptoms and signs. The most important neurotoxic agents are platinum derivatives, taxoids, vinca alkaloids, thalidomide and proteasome inhibitors. CIPN is usually at least partly reversible, however, some drugs can damage nerve fibres irreversibly, e.g. thalidomid. CIPN prevention is mainly based on appropriate indication of neurotoxic drugs considering preexisting polyneuropathy and its risk factors. If the polyneuropathy occurs during the anticancer treatment, dose reduction or change of anticancer treatment can prevent further worsening of the peripheral nerve impairment.

Keywords: polyneuropathies, antineoplastic agents, cisplatin, taxoids, vinca alkaloids, proteasome inhibitors