Neurológia pre prax 3/2017

Perampanel – what to do with it?

Fycompa® (perampanel – PER) is new antiepileptic drug with a specific mechanism of action, different from other drugs. It is well tolerated and its safety profile is favourable with minimum of adverse effects, which are mild to moderate intensity even in high doses. Its interactive potential is low and allow combined therapy with other antiepileptic drugs. Great advantage are perampanel pharmacokinetic characteristics, offering the convenience of once-daily administration. It is effective add-on therapy of focal epilepsy and primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures in idiopathic generalised epilepsy. Many open label extension studies proved its efficacy even on generalized seizures (primary or secondary). Its pharmacological characteristics, good tolerability and high efficacy in focal and generalized epilepsies make perampanel promising drug in seizure freedom reaching and so reduce the risks associated with seizures.

Keywords: epilepsy, treatment, seizure freedom, AMPA receptor, perampanel