Orolinguální angioedém jako komplikace trombolytické léčby pacientů s akutní ischemickou cévní mozkovou příhodou // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 1/2013

Orolingual angioedema – complication of acute stroke treatment with systemic thrombolysis

The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence, the severity and possible complications of orolingual angioedema (OA) in patients treated by intravenous trombolysis in the University Hospital, Brno since 2004 till the end of 2011. Patients and methods: This study is the retrospective analysis of 290 patients with acute ischemic stroke treated by recombinant tissue plasminogen activator. The average age was 67 years, 59 % males and 41 % females. All the patients data were sent to the international SITS register. Results: There were three cases of OA (1.03 % of all patients). The anaphylactoid reaction was mild in all cases, with no need of intubation or life threat.

Keywords: orolingual angioedema, anaphylaxis, intravenous thrombolysis.