Oklúzia a. cerebri anterior azygos ako príčina zriedkavej bifrontálnej ischémie – kazuistika // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 4/2022

Presence of occlusion in azygos anterior cerebral artery as a cause of rare bifrontal ischemia – casuistics

Thanks to technological progress of modern medicine, it is possible to visualize vascular abnormalities in brain arterial circulation by standard examination procedures. With regard to their clinical significance these vascular anomalies demonstrate wide variability – from asymptomatic and often accidental findings to the occurrence of disabling neurological conditions in the form of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. It is essential to identify detailed vascular anatomy and pathology in a particular patient in order to plan and carry out interventional endovascular, vascular surgical or neurosurgical procedures. The aim of this article is to clarify one of many vascular abnormalities of “anterior” circulation by means of case report.

Keywords: azygos, ACA anomalies, bifrontal ischemia, ACA syndrome