Nové antidepresívum s multimodálnym účinkom – vortioxetín // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 3/2015

Vortioxetine – the antidepressant with multimodal activity

Depressive disorder is one of the most serious health problems and is in two-way relationship with various physical diseases. Depression could be one of the primary goals of treatment in coincidence with neurological disorders.The treatment follows the general recommendations including a substantial role of treatment with antidepressants. The new antidepressant with multimodal activity – vortioxetín – has influence by multiple ways on the serotonin system and secondary influence on different signaling systems and neuronal circuits. The positive effect on cognitive functions and safety use in elderly patients has been demonstrated. The aim of this article is to inform about the pharmacological properties and results of clinical trials with vortioxetine.

Keywords: depression, antidepressants, vortioxetine, serotonin.