Neurológia pre prax 2/2024

History-changing trephination

The death of Emperor Montezuma, apparently from craniocerebral injury, undoubtedly marked the end of the Aztec Empire. However, another craniocerebral injury affected the Aztec empire‘s downfall in a more fundamental way, and, above all, its successful treatment – the open, apparently contaminated, impresive calvarial fracture of Spanish conquistador Hernando Cortés, of which, surprisingly, there are only limited literary sources. After successful surgical treatment, Hernando Cortés resumed command of the army with which he captured the Aztec capital, ending the existence of the Aztec Empire. His other conquests then brought not only much of Central America with its riches into Spanish thrall, affecting not only Spanish but also world history.

Keywords: craniocerebral trauma, open impressive fracture, trepanation, hernando Cortés, Montezuma