Neurológia pre prax 3/2011

Most fregment dementias and their treatment

In connection with dementia it is currently talked about a silent epidemic. In the Czech Republic there are currently according to some realistic estimates about 150 thousands people suffering from dementia, while the pessimists estimate up to about 200 thousand ill people. It is not within the power of a branch of medicine to take care for all these patients and the care of them is shared mainly with neurology, psychiatry and geriatrics. Particularly important for diagnostics and early treatment is the primary care. The author of the article focuses on the clinical picture, diagnostics and early treatment of the most common dementias, which are in routine clinical practice met. It is a gerontopsychiatrists view, so the emphasize is put also on psychopathology that accompanies the individual diseases and is pertinently characteristic for them.

Keywords: syndrom of dementia, cognitive functions, nerodegenerative dementia, Alzheimer disease.