Nejčastější chyby a omyly v diagnostice a léčbě Parkinsonovy nemoci // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 4/2011

Most common pittfalls and mistakes in the diagnosis and management of Parkinson’s disease

Although Parkinson´s disease is neurodegenerative disorder where causal treatment is still non-existing, there is always necessity to make correct diagnosis, to differentiate secondary parkinsonian syndromes or other entities mimicking or presenting with parkinsonian syndrome. The introduction of correct treatment in correct time is the key. The absence of systematic history taking, complete neuro-exam with corresponding laboratory and other examinations, the delay of the introduction of symptomatic drugs, the continuation of obsolete treatment, inadequadate dose of dopaminergic drugs, confusion of side-effects for inefficacy and lack of time for our patients are most commonly seen pittfalls and mistakes.

Keywords: Parkinson´s disease, non-motor complications, motor complications, diagnosis, treatment.