Neurológia pre prax 4/2018

The treatment of severe pain which does not react to nonopioid analgesic drugs

Pain is subjective perception a and the effective management of chronic pain is fundamental goal for the people , who treat the pain. Chronic pain is describe like two basic kinds of pain – nociceptive and neuropathic pain., wich appears separatly or in combination.The World Health Organisation (WHO) developer outlines the tree-step analgesic lader these opioids in the management of cancer pain, and these are widely accepted and extensively validated guidelines heve been influential in the aplplication of opioidy therapy for treatment of chronic, non-malignant pain. The morfin is the main representative such potent opioids and plays an important role in management of pain in patients with chronic pain in paliative care. The newer- generation agents –fentanyl, buprenorfin, oxycodon, hydromorfon and tapentadol plays important role in chronic, non malignant pan. New opioid tapentadol is the first compoud of new pharmacological class MOR-NRI, that combines mi-opioid-agonist and noradrenalin re-uptake inhibitor activities in one molecule.

Keywords: opioids drugs, fentanyl, buprenorfin, oxycodon, tapentadol, gabapentinoids drugs