Léčba Parkinsonovy nemoci // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 6/2009

Treatment of Parkinson’s disease

Start of the therapy: L-dopa; DA-agonists; selegiline; amantadine; rasagiline; in patients older than 70 years L-dopa. When therapy insufficient: add on/increase the standard or controlled-released L-dopa, COMT inhibitor; DA-agonists orally or in patch; rasagiline. Severe motor complication: partial „drug holiday” with amantadine i. v.; apomorphine/lisuride s. c.; intraduodenal L dopa; surgery (DBS). Psychiatric complications: graduall discontinuation of DA agonists, amantadine, MAO inhibitors, anticholinergics; to continue with the minimal effective dose of L-dopa; atypical antipsychotics. Dementia: acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.

Keywords: Parkinson’s disease, treatment, drugs, surgery, dopaminergic.