Neurológia pre prax 2/2013

Craniocerebral injury and the use subsequent neurorehabilitation – description of the topic and the literature review

Severe craniocerebral injurie represent a problem for the whole society. The results of treatment of severe craniocerebral injurie are still not good enough, even though a lot of resources and efforts of health care proffesionals is being used particularly in the acute phase after the injury. Severe craniocerbral injurie represent the most common cause of death in persóna below 45 years of age and the majority of the surviving patients stayes severely desabled. Unfortunately, the concept of intensive neurorehabilitation, which was established in the civilised Europe, is completely lacking in the Czech Republic. Neurorehabilitation means a very complex attitude to the patient and starts right after the injury but follows continuously towards the best possible resocialisation of the patient. It is sure that this approach enables a high percentage of patients after the severe head injury their return back to the senseful life.

Keywords: severe craniocerebral injury, neurorehabilitation.