Konzervativní léčba spontánního intracerebrálního krvácení // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 2/2011

Nonsurgical management of spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage

Since spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (SIH) is an acute neurological condition with a persistently high mortality and morbidity risk, some degree of therapeutic nihilism concerning SIH was embraced by many. This attitude has, however, been recently replaced by a more optimistic approach. There is mounting evidence suggesting that an aggressive treatment of SIH based on permanently innovated guidelines can lead to better clinical outcomes. Conservative therapy of SIH forms a part of a complex approach to these patients including also good-quality diagnostic procedures, surgical therapy and post-surgical care. We review the current evidencebased guidelines concerning the conservative therapy of SIH in this article. Diagnostic approaches and surgical therapy are being dealt with in other publications.

Keywords: intracerebral hemorrhage, nonsurgical, treatment.