Je to iktus, nebo glioblastom? // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 4/2022

Is it stroke or glioblastoma?

Is it stroke or glioblastoma? This case report is about patient with acute onset of amentia with uncertain hypodensity on CT scan of the brain. Initial diagnosis of stroke was made, but more precise imaging methods and investigations proved that it was glioblastoma. Acute onset of neurological symptoms together with hypodensity on initial CT scan of the brain may suggest stroke. Some symptoms and lesions on imaging methods are just mimicking stroke including intracranial tumors and their tumor attacks. In case of uncertain initial finding it is recommend to provide CT scan with contrast, eventually MRI. Perfuse CT scan and MRI with PWI and TDI sequence may be effective to distinguish subacute ischemic stroke from malignant tumor.

Keywords: stroke, glioblastoma, differential diagnosis