Neurológia pre prax 3/2013

Self-sufficiency evaluation of patients in neurorehabilitation

Quality of life is to a significant extent influenced by self-sufficiency. Occupational Therapist is a professional concerned with a functional therapy of daily activities as well as activities of people with disabilities. In order to select appropriate occupational therapistś approach, it is neccessary to evaluate activities of daily living (ADL) individually. There are standart procedures to evaluate ADL. Those methods are used to diagnostic evaluation of an existing occupational therapeutic intervention. One of the most common methods which is used in the Czech Republic for evaluating the level is self sufficiency is Functional Independent Measure and Barthel Index. For evaluating patientś functional abilities can be also used International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health.

Keywords: self-sufficiency, activities of daily living assessment, activities of daily living evaluation, activities of daily living, neurorehabilitation.