Neurológia pre prax 4/2017

Atherosclerotic plaque evaluation in the carotid arteries by duplex sonography

Aterosclerosis is chronic degenerative disease leading world death rates. One of the most affected areas are carotid arteries in which aterosclerotic plaque progression belongs to the most important causes of ischaemic stroke. Duplex sonography is method widely available and safe enabeling realiable diagnostic of carotid arteries aterosclerosis. For stenosis quantification it is recommended to apply multiparametric approach using criteria of direct and indirect sonographic diagnostic, moreover, recent research focuses on risk classification of aterosclerosis plaques (mainly detection of neovascularization, high lipid content, intraplaque hemorrhage, necrosis, ulceration, disruption of fibrin cup on plaque surface) and its sonogpraphic correlate which allow better individualization of invasive procedure indications, carotid endarterectomy and stenting inculded.

Keywords: duplex sonography, atherosclerotic plaque, stenosis, carotid artery, plaque composition, plaque volume