Neurológia pre prax 4/2018

Glatiramer acetate in clinically isolated syndrome and its early onset of effect

The article describes the practical experience in the treatment of clinically isolated syndrome, documented by a case report of a young woman. Prior to switching to glatiramer acetate and its pregnancy, the non-effectable side effects of interferon beta-1b persisted. Hypothyroidism has been demonstrated and progression of magnetic resonance imaging of the brain without clinical progression. Risks of treatment are discussed, depending on pregnancy, co-morbidity, transition from other therapy, persistence to treatment, and onset of action. Glatiramer acetate is currently the drug with the most favorable risk of treatment and its benefit. Recent clinical trals demonstrate its long-term efficacy with relatively rapid onset of action.

Keywords: glatiramer acetate, clinically isolated syndrome, multiple sclerosis, onset of effect, pregnancy