Funkční poruchy hybnosti // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 5/2022

Functional movement disorders Functional movement disorders are important

Functional movement disorders are important source of disability. Diagnosis of functional movement disorders should be based on positive signs of inconsistency of motor symptoms and their incompatibility with an organic disorder and not on exclusion of other conditions. The role of neurologist involves the delivery of a positive diagnosis and an explanation that functional symptoms are genuine, common, and potentially reversible, and a long-term follow-up. Increasing evidence supports the efficacy of physiotherapy and psychotherapy alone or in combination. Psychiatrists should evaluate and treat psychiatric comorbidities such as anxiety and/or depression. Pharmacological treatments directed at motor symptoms are not appropriate.

Keywords: functional movement disorders, dissociative motor disorders, inconsistency, incongruence, functional weakness, Hoover’s sign