Diabetická neuropatie z pohledu neurologa // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 6/2009

Diabetic Neuropathy – Neurologist Perspective

Diabetic neuropathy, a common complication of diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2, represents clinically heterogeneous syndrome with various involvement of peripheral, cranial and autonomic nerves. The progression is usually slow and patients may stay for a long time asymptomatic. Prevalence of diabetic neuropathy is estimated between 13 and 54 % according to the duration of the disease. Two main clinical types of diabetic neuropathy – generalized and focal – can be distinguished by clinical examination. The basic diagnostic tool is electromyography. The symptomatic treatment is focused on neuropathic pain. As the effective treatment is still unavailable diabetic neuropathy represents a high risk for development of diabetic foot. It is very important to differentiate other causes leading to neuropathy in diabetic patient as this may lead to causative and usually more effective therapy.

Keywords: diabetic neuropathy, diabetic foot, electromyography, neuropathic pain.