Neurológia pre prax 4/2011

Cerebral palsy as seen by an ophthalmologist

In the Czech Republic, children with cerebral palsy (CP) should be evaluated by paediatric ophthalmologists. Ophthalmological examination in children of preverbal age or in verbally non-communicating patients with multiple disability must, in addition to describing squint and the findings at the anterior segment of the eye and eye fundus, invariably include an evaluation of the quality of visual acuity, size of refraction, ability of accommodation, visual field defects and the quality of contrast sensitivity. Based on these data, it is possible to propose a therapeutic and vision rehabilitation plan for developing visual function, sometimes long before the definitive ophthalmological diagnosis is established. The critical stages of vision development make us insist on providing maximum available treatment always at the right age of the child. Early referral of the child to an eye specialist is essential for the success of possible treatment.

Keywords: cerebral palsy (CP), squint, visual acuity, refraction, accommodation, visual field, contrast sensitivity.