Neurológia pre prax 5/2015

Pain of mixed etiology in patient with polymorbidity

Polymorbid patient with pain is a difficult problem for physicians. It is usually more of the diseases that are accompanied by various types of pain, and is treated with medicaments which have different pharmacologic properties and adverse effects (Slíva, 2011). In these cases it is very important detailed examination of pain etiology and rational use of analgesic treatment (Ambler, 2012). In our case report, we present example of polymorbid middle-aged patient who suffers from serious illnesses, underwents radical surgery on the musculoskeletal system and has a long-term chronic medication therapy, including corticosteroids. Patient is treated with several analgesics, despite its multiple pain are not sufficiently covered. Etiology of pain is mixed. Nociceptive component dominates, but is combined with a neuropathic component. In our department was adjusted pharmacotherapy emphasizing the influence component of neuropathic pain. At the control examination, we noticed reduce pain, lower incidence of adverse events of drugs and signs of improvement in quality of life.

Keywords: polymorbid patient, neuropathic pain, nociceptive pain, analgesics.