Neurológia pre prax 3/2012

Autoimmune limbic encephalitis

The term autoimmune limbic encephalitis (LE) denotes a heterogeneous group of immune-mediated CNS disorders with characteristic clinical symptoms including subacute memory dysfunction, psychiatric problems and epileptic seizures. LE can be divided into 1) syndromes with antibodies against intracellular antigens and 2) syndromes with antibodies against membrane and synaptic antigens. The first group includes LE with well characterized paraneoplastic antibodies (anti-Hu, anti-Ma2, anti-CV2/CRMP5, anti-amphiphysin) and LE with anti-GAD antibodies. The latter group comprises LE with antibodies against LGI1, caspr-2, AMPA receptors and GABAB receptors, which generally have a better prognosis. Early diagnosis is the most important factor for successful treatment of LE patients. The aim of this review is to provide readers with main characteristics of LE.

Keywords: limbic encephalitis, paraneoplastic syndromes, autoantibodies, seizures.