Neurológia pre prax 4/2021

Aseptic infections of central nervous system

Aseptic infections of the central nervous system are common in Czechia, as the two of them, tick-borne encephalits and Lyme disease, both tramsitted by infected ticks, are endemic there. They are characterized by a non-purulent inflammation in the cerebrospinal fluid and by presence of so-called encephalitic or meningeal symptoms. They are caused mainly by viruses for which causal treatment is available only for few, and by bacteria for which antimicrobial treatment is available. In recent years, West Nile Fever (WNF), which used to be an imported disease, is becoming endemic in the Czech Republic. Aseptic neuroinfections may cause various long-term disability. Vaccination or pre-exposure prophylaxis is available for some of them.

Keywords: aseptic neuroinfection, meningitis, encefalitis, endemic, arbovirosis, prevention