Neurológia pre prax 1/2022

Analgesics in neurology, their specific fealures and adverse effects

Each one of us has a lot of experience with pain management and painkillers, both professional and personal. The goal of this article is therefore to only point out what the specifics, advantages, risks and interactions of the representatives of individual groups are. It is not possible to encompass a complete summary of those – some of them are even not registered in the Czech Republic (flupirtine, nefopam) for pain management. In our country, methadon is a newly approved drug for the treatment of severe pain which cannot be influenced by non-narcotic painkillers. Co-analgetics are mentioned only peripherally, despite the fact that they are an inseparable part of neuropatic and chronic pain treatment. A more detailed discussion of their effect would probably make for a new article. Therapy depends on the type and nature of pain; we choose a different one with chronic, acute, neuropathic or oncologic pain. Chronic pain is more frequent in women and increases rapidly with ages 65 and more.

Keywords: painkillers, chronic pain, inetrakctions, adverse effects