Algeziologické, neurologické a rehabilitační aspekty v diagnostice a terapii pacientů s chronickými nespecifickými bolestmi bederního úseku páteře // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 5/2015

Algesiologic, neurologic and rehabilitation aspects in diagnostics and therapy of patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain

Chronic nonspecific low back pain requires a specific approach to its diagnostics and therapy. Somatic and psychic aspects and disability should be assessed in patients with these complaints. Pain and/or algofunctional questionnaires can help in enriching their personal histories. Neurologic examination should involve parts of the algesiologic and kinesiologic examinations, and components of the physical medicine and rehabilitation approach to pain. Attention should be paid to motor control and movement patterns. Rehabilitation in patients with chronic low back pain should include posture-movement education and it should be focused on pain management, elimination of movement pattern disorders and on an increase in lumbar spine stability.

Keywords: nonspecific low back pain, algesiologic aspects, neurologic examination, movement patterns, rehabilitation.