Akutní léčba ischemické cévní mozkové příhody – mechanická trombektomie // SOLEN

Neurológia pre prax 3/2020

Acute therapy of ischemic stroke – news in mechanical trombectomy

The treatment of acute stroke has undergone dramatic changes in last few years. Randomized controlled trials have demonstrated safety and efficacy of endovascular therapy (EVT) in patients with proven proximal anterior circulation occlusion/s. It represents one of the most effective treatment methods of current medicine. There is an ongoing intensive clinical research focused on the broadening of EVT indication criteria (extending the time window of EVT procedures, CT perfusion-based patient selection, EVT of more distal occlusions, treatment of tandem occlusions). We briefly summarize the results of EVT randomized controlled trials, their clinical relevance, current EVT indication criteria and selected trends in the EVT research.

Keywords: mechanical thrombectomy, endovasular treatment, ischemic stroke