Neurológia pre prax 6/2012

Aphasia and potential of screening evaluation using Mississippi Aphasia Screening Test – Czech version (MASTcz)

Language disorders and their demonstrations such as aphasia, alexia and agraphia vary substantially. Their diagnostics, and especially early stages of the disease after stroke, is complicated due to changes in symptomatology and coexisting cognitive disturbances. Clinical examination of a patient with suspected language disorders focuses on detection of aphasia, alexia and agraphia. MASTcz is a standardized screening test with a high sensitivity and specificity in detection of aphasia. It can to a certain extent quantify the severity of language impairment, which helps an experienced aphasiologist to determine particular type of aphasia. The MASTcz test complies with requirements on screening instruments and its limitations are discussed further in the text.

Keywords: aphasia, screening, MASTcz.