Výskyt a prevencia karcinómov kože u pacientov po renálnej transplantácii // SOLEN

Dermatológia pre prax 2/2012

Prevalence and prevention of skin cancer in renal transplant recipients

Skin cancer is the most frequent malignancy in organ transplant recipients, of which 95% is nonmelanoma skin cancer, especially squamos cell and basal cell carcinoma. The management of skin cancer in solid organ transplant recipients is a challenge to both the dermatologist and transplant physician. In collaboration with transplant unit we prospectively examined 211 kidney transplant recipients in the years from 2007 to 2011, in which we followed the prevalence of skin cancer depending on lenght and combination of immunosuppressive therapy and following the photoprotective recommendations. The results shows that immunosuppressive regimen significantly increase the rates of nonmelanoma skin and sun protective behaviours are insufficient. Therefore, intensive education and strict follow-up strategy is necessary to decrease morbidity and mortality of organ transplant recipients.

Keywords: immunsuppressive therapy, skin cancer, renal transplant recipients, photoprotection.