UVA1 fototerapia pri vybraných diagnózach // SOLEN

Dermatológia pre prax 2-3/2013

UVA1 light therapy in selected diagnosed

In last the decade UVA1 light therapy (340–400 nm) seems to be very effective in many diseases as sclerodermic skin changes, chronic GvHD, atopic dermatitis and other dermatoses. Long wave UVA1 light allows to apply multiple higher partial and cumulative doses. Depending on the skin disease UVA1 radiation can be applied in the high dose (up to 130J/cm2), middle dose (40-70 J/cm2) and low dose (10-30 J/cm2) regime. Therapeutic benefits of UVA1 phototherapy are in deeper skin penetration where it affects changes in the T-cells and also activation of the endothelial cells to the process of neovascularization. It is an effective anti-inflammatory therapeutic method, which affects function of immune cells and fibroblasts.

Keywords: UVA1 light, biological effects, different diagnosis.