Skvamocelulárny karcinóm kože vznikajúci z keratoakantómu – opis dvoch prípadov // SOLEN

Dermatológia pre prax 4/2018

Squamous cell carcinoma od the skin arising from keratoacanthoma – a description of two cases

Introduction: Keratoacanthoma is a relatively common squamoproliferative skin lesion characterized by a rapid onset and fast initial growth, followed by a spontaneous regression. A complete surgical excision is usually curative without any further clinical consequences. However, sometimes it may undergo malignant transformation. Case report: The author briefly describes two cases of keratoacanthoma with a focal malignant transformation to invasive squamous cell carcinoma. The first case represented an 84-year-old female with a lesion arising on a chin, the second one comprised an 85-year-old female with a lesion located near the left labial commissure. Conclusion: In dermatopathological practice, malignant transformation of keratoacanthoma is rare, but not exceptional finding. It mostly occurs in older people on the skin permanently exposed to sunlight. Grossly suspected keratoacanthoma should be resected totally and histologically processed and investigated completely. In the biopsy examination request form, a clinician should provide information about the nature and duration of tumor growth, which is of great importance for pathologist.

Keywords: keratoacanthoma, malignant transformation, squamous cell carcinoma