Radiačná dermatitída a reálne dostupná možnosť jej liečby // SOLEN

Dermatológia pre prax 4/2011

Radiation dermatitis and really accessible option of its treatment

Radiation dermatitis is a common side effect of radiotherapy in many forms of cancer (e.g. head and neck, breast and low pelvis carcinomas). Dermatitis may necessitate interruption of the therapy. Prophylactic topical treatment for irradiated skin can significantly improve the tolerance of skin to adjuvant radiotherapy. The pathophysiology, clinical presentation and contributing factors of radiation skin injury are discussed. Skin toxicity has recently been investigated in randomized trials. The efficacy of the corticosteroid cream momethason furoat as a prophylactic and therapeutic intervention was investigated. Application of momethason furoat combined with an emollient cream significantly decreased acute radiation dermatitis compared with emollient cream alone.

Keywords: radiation induced dermatitis, toxicity, skin care.