Dermatológia pre prax 2/2023

Psoriasis – yesterday and today

Skin diseases have been known to mankind since their origin. Psoriasis has also had a very remarkable and unusual history, initially associated with its chaotic nomenclature and identification. It is only in recent centuries, driven by advances in science, research and new technologies, that the study of this dermatosis has intensified, allowing a better and more detailed understanding of the possible causes and reasons for the development of psoriasis. These have led to the development of new therapeutic options such as monoclonal antibodies. Their highly specific targeting of antigens provides a very effective treatment. The advent of molecule-targeted medicine is enabling the development of a new generation of therapeutic agents.

Keywords: psoriasis, history, local treatment, systemic treatment, monoclonal anti-TNFα, anti-IL12/23, anti-IL23, anti-IL17 antibodies