Dermatológia pre prax 2/2009

Protection of skin against ultraviolet radiation

The incidence of melanoma as well as non melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) is in the last years increasing all over the world. NMSC is the most frequent cancer in Caucasian race. Its transfer from older to younger age categories forces us to give increased attention to this problem. As the most important external starting factor in case of such diseases is the UV radiation, its intensity and exposition duration and sun burn. At their creation an important role is played by age, heredity, individual sensitivity to UV radiation, photo type I and II, inability to repair damaged DNA, loss of normal keratinocytes growth control, immunological status (organ transplantation), profession (work in ionization radiation environment and tar). Certain role at developing of such diseases is attributed to chemical environmental contamination and shrinking of the ozone layer.

Keywords: UV radiation, non melanoma skin cancer, melanoma, photoprotection, prevention