Dermatológia pre prax 4/2013

Fungal infections of the skin

The dermatophytoses are fungal infections caused by three genera of fungi, Epidermophyton, Trichophyton and Microsporum. The main causative agent of dermatophytoses is Trichophyton rubrum which is the most common worldwide. The feet – intedigital spaces, soles, and nails – are the typical location for dermatophyte infection. The disease is more common in Europe and US. Transmission of dermatophytes to human occurs via three sources, human, animal and soil. Two genera of dermatophytes, Trichophyton and Microsporum, caused tinea capitis. Alopecia is the most common presentation of this diseases. Topical antifungals are beneficial in treating localized dermatophyte infections. Systemic therapy is required to cure certain infections, including tinea capitis and unguium.

Keywords: dermatophytoses, localisation, therapy.