Medziodborová spolupráca v manažmente pacienta s hidradenitis suppurativa // SOLEN

Dermatológia pre prax 4/2023

Interdisciplinary collaboration in the management of patient with hidradenitis suppurativa

Hidradenitis suppurativa is an immunologically mediated chronic inflammatory disease with the formation of inflammatory nodosities, abscesses, and secreting fistulas at the site of skin folds where terminal hairs and apocrine glands are found. The predilection localization is in women in the axillary and submammary region, in males the predominant localization is genitoanal. The nature and course of the disease has a significant impact on quality of life of patients and their psychological state. When choosing therapy, it is necessary to assess the degree of severity and localization of manifestations. With the advent of monoclonal antibodies and targeted therapy, new therapeutic options have opened up. Surgical treatment continues to feature in the therapeutic algorithm an important place in the surgical algorithm at every stage of the disease. The management of patients with hidradenitis suppurativa in clinical practice often presents Gordian knot and requires interdisciplinary collaboration at the level of the dermatologist, surgeon, algesiologist and, last but not least, the psychiatrist.

Keywords: hidradenitis suppurativa, multidisciplinary approach, dermatology, pain treatment, surgical treatment, psychosocial support