Dermatológia pre prax 1/2020

Treatment of non-cancer pain in dermatology

Non-cancer pain in dermatology, as in other disciplines, can be acute and chronic. Acute pain is encountered in painful skin affections upon initial discovery and acute pain is also addressed in dermatological surgery during invasive procedures (surgical and postoperative pain). As far as chronic pain is concerned - here the situation is a bit more complicated - here the dermatologist must recognize in a timely manner conditions that are particularly painful, intolerable. Even in these conditions, the treatment of pain is the responsibility of the dermatologist - postponing or shifting such a patient to a general practitioner or an algesiologist may result in a significant delay in the treatment of pain to the patient. If the dermatologist finds himself outside his comfort zone as part of the treatment of pain, he should not hesitate and should refer the patient to an algesiologist.

Keywords: pain, dermatology, acute pain, chronic pain, non-neoplastic pain