Kvalita života, sociálně-ekonomické aspekty bércových vředů a nové možnosti celkové terapie // SOLEN

Dermatológia pre prax 4/2014

Quality of life, socio-economic aspects of venous leg ulcers and new possibilities of systemic treatment

Venous leg ulcers are the latest stage of chronic venous disease and represent a major health problem. They decrease quality of life because of pain, reduced mobility and sleep disturbances. They lead to restriction of daily activities, especially leisure activities and household duties, social isolation, employment problems, working inability, dependence on help of other people, anxiety and depression. Because of big impact of chronic leg ulcers on quality of life, their high prevalence and their socio-economic impact it is necessary to use all the therapeutic possibilities that can lead to faster healing of leg ulcers. Micronized purified flavonoid fraction (MPFF) significantly reduces healing time of venous leg ulcers and it also increases the number of healed leg ulcers. According to new international guidelines, MPFF is the only venoactive drug with proved effect in the treatment of venous leg ulcers (strong recommendation grade 1B). Therefore, MPFF should be a basic treatment for chronic venous leg ulcers, together with adequate compression and local therapy.

Keywords: quality of life, venous leg ulcers, venoactive drugs, micronized purified flavonoid fraction (MPFF).