Kožné komplikácie vakcín proti COVID-19 // SOLEN

Dermatológia pre prax 2/2023

Skin complications of vaccines against COVID-19

As with medicines, also in the case of vaccines against COVID-19 allergic reactions of varying intensity may occur. Skin manifestation after vaccination against COVID-19 are often similar to skin manifestatiom COVID-19. There are described a local injection site reactions, reaction in the location of dermal hyaluronic acid fillers, acute reaction such as urticaria, angioedema, but also exanthemas, vascular lesions, autoimmune bullous reactions, severe cutaneous adverse reactions. After vaccination we distinguished new onset dermatoses, flare of preexisting dermatoses, or flare of latent infections. The article summarizes current knowledge regarding the patomechanism and type of skin reaktions after vaccination against COVID-19, their incidence, severity and relationship to the applied vaccines.

Keywords: vaccines against COVID-19, skin complications of vaccines, vaccinations, adverse reakctions