Dermatológia pre prax 1/2018

The combination of a papulopustulous rosacea with a perioral dermatitis at a 53 years old patient

The case ofa 53 years old patient with a papulopustulous forms ofrosacea accompanied with peroral dermatitis is reported. Skin problems were present for 2 years. In the beginning of problems the patient used local corticoid, later local metronidazol. Before visiting aur Acne Clinic she used local corticoid for one month again. All the treatment was without anyeffect. A therapywith local ivermectin cream was started. All regimen recommendations according to a diagnosis of rosacea and perioral dermatitis were explained. Skin troubles reduced quickly. After healing of all papules an aplication of cream with azelaic acid was started. After 4 months patient´s skin was healed, only slight centrofacial erythema was present. The patient is still in a follow-up ofourAcne clinic. She is applying local cream with azelaic acid and following all recommendations bynow.

Keywords: rosacea, papulopustulous form, perioral dermatitis, therapy, regimen recommendations.