Dermatológia pre prax 2/2015

HIV infection – an actuall issue

Since the beginning of HIV epidemy more than 65 milion people were infected by HIV and 25 milion died. Slovak Republic still belongs to the countries with relatively low HIV epidemic although in the last years new infections increased, mainly among men who have sex with men. HIV diagnostic is based on simultaneos detection of HIV antigen and antibodies in the blood using ELISA tests. For surveillance purposes alternative HIV − antibody testing methods from saliva, evetually from urine, are used. Reactive/indeterminate samples are confirmed by Western and or molecular methods. In Slovakia treatment of HIV infection is provided according to the European AIDS Clinical Society guidelines and is based mainly on the combination of 3 different antiretroviral drugs. Recently due to the very effective antiretroviral treatment HIV infection became a treatable but incurable infection. Prejudices, myths and fearsare still often impediments to for happeness and quality of life people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide as well as in Slovakia.

Keywords: HIV, AIDS, epidemy, diagnostic, treatment.