Dermatológia pre prax 3/2014

Hyperhidrosis: anatomy, pathofyziology and treatment with an emphasis on the role of botulinumtoxin

Clinical features, anatomy and physiology of hyperhidrosis are presented with a review of the world literature on treatment. Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) is a chronic autonomic disorder that can be debilitating leading to emotional and social embarrassment, as well as occupational, physical and psychological disability. In a majority of cases, the cause of hyperhidrosis is unknown. Primary hyperhidrosis starts in childhood and affects 0,6 % – 3 % of the population. Pharmacological treatments of hyperhidrosis include topical, oral and iontophoretic treatments as well as botulinumtoxin injections.

Keywords: botulinum neurotoxin, hyperhidrosis, iontophoresis, axillary, palmar, gustatory, compensatory, topical agents, oral agents.