Dermatológia pre prax 1/2015

HPV infection in adolescent with diabetes mellitus – case report

Anogenital HPV infections belong to the most common sexually transmitted infections. The causative agents of anogenital HPV infections are low risk HPV 6 and HPV 11. Patients suffering from autoimmune diseases are at risk for development of HPV infections with unusual signs and atypical course of infection. The immunological status of organism is disturbed due to autoimmune changes; infections are torpid, recurring, with atypical localization. Common warts in anogenital region are very rare. The phenomenon of spontaneous regression and regression after explorative biopsy are not very common. Functional immune system can deal with infection. All individuals with HPV infection should be monitored in case of progression to malignancy. We refer case report of 16-years-old female with diabetes mellitus type 1. All lesions in genital area resolved spontaneously after exploratory biopsy, without any local and systemic therapy.

Keywords: HPV, immunosuppression, common warts, genital infection, spontaneous regression.