Expresia antigénu Ki-67 a proteínu p53 v bazocelulárnom karcinóme kože – prehľad problematiky // SOLEN

Dermatológia pre prax 2-3/2013

Ki-67 antigen and p53 protein expression in basal cell carcinoma of the skin – a topic review

The basic etiopathogenetic factors of cutaneous basal cell carcinoma (BCC) are relatively well known, however, the knowledge of molecular genetic mechanisms responsible for its biological behaviour and progression is still insufficient. Even at present, there is no unique specific molecular marker, which could reliably distinguish the aggressive forms of cancer from the nonagressive ones, and which would be usable in a routine biopsy examination. In the present article the authors describe two elementary biomarkers – proliferation antigen Ki-67 and protein p53 and they focus on their immunohistochemical assessment and prognostic importance in BCC of the skin. They confront the controversial views of the individual authors and also provide own practical results.

Keywords: basal cell carcinoma, Ki-67 antigen, p53 protein.