Diferenciální diagnostika a léčba nejčastějších virových sexuálně přenosných infekcí genitálu // SOLEN

Dermatológia pre prax 1/2014

The most frequent viral sexually transmitted diseases on genitals, differential diagnosis and treatment

Viral infections localized on genitals belong into the group of the most frequent sexually transmitted diseases (STD) within the venereological office. Clinical manifestations including complications, which can result from negligence or improper treatment, are greatly traumatic and restrictive for the patient in her/his everyday life. According to the clinical findings we can divide the manifestations into papular, nodular, verrucose or erosive and ulcerous manifestations. The originators are the most commonly papilloma viruses (incidence approximately in 38 % of the population), herpes viruses and pox viruses. With respect to examination and differential diagnosis we must always take into consideration other potential sexually transmitted diseases, venereal diseases or non-venereal mucocutaneous manifestations, which can occur together at the same time and thus they can generally influence the whole treatment.

Keywords: genitals, sexually transmitted diseases, viral infections, differential diagnosis, therapy.